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     Super Buy  Imaginary Fred (ø ۽ å, ϵĿ, ۹)

  å:Imaginary Fred (ø ۽ å, ϵĿ, ۹)
  :Eoin Colfer (Author), Oliver Jeffers (Illustrator)
  ǻ : HarperCollins
   : YES
   : 忬 - , ġ, ʵб г (5~9)

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* Teach Primary New Children's Fiction Awards

Ʈ Artemis Fowl ø ۰ Eoin Colfer , ݼ ְ α ׸å ۰ ø ۽ ׸ ׷Ƚϴ.

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Hardcover: 48 pages
ISBN-10: 0062379550
ISBN-13: 978-0062379559
å ũ 28.7 cm x 22.2 cm

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Book Description
From the internationally bestselling author Eoin Colfer and the New York Times Bestselling illustrator of The Day the Crayons Quit comes a quirky, funny, and utterly irresistible story.

Did you know that sometimes, with a little electricity, or luck, or even magic, an imaginary friend might appear when you need one? An imaginary friend like Fred.

Fred floated like a feather in the wind until Sam, a lonely little boy, wished for him and, together, they found a friendship like no other.

The perfect chemistry between Eoin Colfer's text and Oliver Jeffers's artwork makes for a dazzlingly original picture book.

School Library Journal
As an imaginary friend, Fred comes to Earth when lonely children wish for him, becoming whatever they need him to be, whether a companion to throw a ball with or someone willing to become the ball. When his friends outgrow him, finding real friends, Fred starts to disappear and his blue pixelated form vanishes until there is barely a scrap of him left, "just enough for the wind to catch and whisk him into the sky." Jeffers's clean, expressive black lines serve to contrast the corporeal world of Fred's friends and the world around them with Fred himself, who has substance but no outline. One day a boy named Sam wishes for Fred, and at last Fred finds someone who shares his interests and might just be a real friend. Eventually, though, Sam finds a real friend and, once again, Fred feels himself start to disappear - until, that is, he meets Sam's imaginary friend, Frieda. Together, Fred and Frieda form an imaginary friendship so real they never fade away. Tongue-in-cheek details in Jeffers's illustrations, such as a pig getting hit by lightning in order to summon Fred to Sam's side, juxtapose ironically with Colfer's simple text in a manner that will doubtless please child readers, especially those fond of the artist's other work. VERDICT An effervescent bit of fun.

Publishers Weekly (starred review)
In this smart collaboration, Colfer and Jeffers introduce Fred, a seasoned imaginary friend. Jefferss spidery vignettes are perfectly synced to Colfers bubbly, confiding narrative.
* ֱ ǰ Ͻ е ٸ

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